Mei 2012

                                                           THE DROWNING .......... ?

"I'm not a young intellectual to speak the truth loudly campus, I also agree if the definition of a loser into this identity,,,,, I'm just a writer whose voice shakes the contents of the instincts and the breath of my soul the passionate ... hopefully there is still a matter guided "
( moh yusuf dawud  )

            ACTION ....  !! This is not the word satire, nor cry of the orator in the middle of the field,   this word is a name that has long been drowned in the Campus Yudharta, nearly seven years this name was buried with the development of incised Yudharta has many historical achievements. Jargon of the Multicultural University_pun   have never stopped at something called ACTION, either because of intellectual activity either Civitas Academic Lecturers, Students and the bureaucrats so that the name ACTION ashamed to show your creativity and mental Fighternya,, ahh really not wise if you just find a thousand reasons why ACTION buried without knowing address the grave, which must be the name ACTION is buried like a pearl in the ocean journey Dictionary Pasuruan Yudharta University. Because drowning is what makes the name ACTION is so beautiful.
            The author is not exaggerating when saying that there are two things that can make light of this beloved campus Yudharta, namely Action and Action Natural Sunlight Student Voice. Student voice is a distinctive sound as well as gold in the   lead intellectual civilization. If you want to glance at the history, in 2001 was the year in which the student voice is summed up in a container called the Student Activity Unit (UKM) ACTIONscratches his pen through the struggle, has been able to contribute good quality color shades ranging from problems of living up to the detail even on a the existence of campus life and academic life. ACTION SMEs in Yudharta activist puppet story is a great asset to the campus in developing insight into student-critical discourse. Indeed at that time, ACTION SMEs willing and able to   be the most effective tool to bring new ideas in the context of being together for a common goal. Is not that aware of student expectations in mind? Sure. But unfortunately thousand affection, compliments of the ink strokes student  (UKM SCAI) lasted only 4 years old sitting on the bench for the rest of students Lectures, born 2001-2004 drowning.

            Learning from history, learning from the past is a useful thing to formulate something new. Each era has a different reality. For that, we should always try to act evaluation of everything that ever happened for the last student press and tried to throw a few ideas now and ACTIONS so that SMEs can develop life will come looking to the future. Did not know the figure of a student in thick with the feel of dynamics, active, happy at the change and the scientific attitude in seeing things based on objective reality, a systematic and rational. Already a consequence sebagaoi student's identity!
            Not surprisingly, today, like the proverbial "needle in a husk or forest deeh all ", it is hard to find figure Fighter / ideal student. There is an impression of the various parties that the level of student awareness of the community and the environment is very low.Students speak only in vowels say and are reluctant to provide solutions to the inequality of social problems.

            Indeed, the students build awareness of the role and function as a student is difficult and requires a long day. Hence we see students who are alienated in their communities, trying to pass quickly, but only to fill the ranks of job seekers without any liability to the scientific passion. Not concerned with social issues. The term consciousness is alienated and outcast of the analogy by KH Sholeh Bahruddin as a student corporal , a position that is not calculated in the military world. From here it takes effort to revive the SME ACTION to conceive of a social engineering conceptual, practical and systematic.Due to the Campus Press is expected able to examine social issues published on the analysis of scientific and academic community as well as the critically objective POINT .

Let us Turn and Discover Pearls YUDHARTA ACTION!! as one of the media fight   delivering voice and conscience of students.
University Vice President BEM Yudharta

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